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Call for Artists

northern Indigenous perspectives (4)_edi

April 30 | 

Submission Deadline

June 11 - July 7, 2025 

Exhibition Dates

The Smithers Art Gallery is pleased to host the exhibition

Northern Indigenous Perspectives for the second time.


Our Indigenous curatorial team, comprised of professional artists Rob Davis, Calvin Morberg and Stephanie Anderson, will be reviewing applications and finalizing works accepted for the exhibition.


Artists will receive a CARFAC* payment of $140 for sharing your work in this curated exhibition. Preference given to artwork for sale.


Eligibility Criteria

  • Artists must be from Northern BC and identify as First Nations, Inuit, or Métis ancestry.

  • Artists must be 18 years of age or older


Submission Guidelines

  • All mediums and scales, large and small, are encouraged – sculpture, clay, glass, fibre, photography, painting, metalwork, carving, printmaking, jewelry and beyond.

  • All artwork must be of a high quality in their medium. Artwork must be original creations by the artist, and not previously shown at the Smithers Art Gallery.

  • Artists may submit up to 2 pieces.

  • The Smithers Art Gallery will not accept work that includes any discriminatory content, cultural appropriation or contravenes copyright law.


CARFAC- the national voice of canada’s professional artists

  • This organization sets guidelines for paying artist in public art galleries.

  • Receiving CARFAC payments is a measure used to establish professional artist status for several funding organizations (BC Arts Council/Canada Council)


2022 Exhibition Highlights

you must have a google account

to use online application

please email printable form and

photos to

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