The Smithers Art Gallery has been in operation for over 45 years and continues to grow and expand its role in the community through public art exhibitions, art education for children and adults, special events, and a retail space for artists and artisans.
Community Engagement Coordinator
We are looking for an enthusiastic Community Engagement Coordinator to facilitate our visual arts education program and build the Gallery’s online presence in our communities. The ideal candidate can work on multiple projects at once and has the people skills to communicate with clients and staff professionally. You will report to the Gallery Manager but be able to work independently.
Saturday Gallery Attendant
We are looking for a motivated, art lover to act as our front of house amabassador for the Gallery. The ideal candidate will feel confident working alone, enjoy working directly with the public and have the skills to work our point of sale system for visitors purchasing artwork.
Kids Art Instructors
We are looking for contract art instructors for our children and youth art programming here at the Gallery. We have a dedicated workshop space and support to ensure kids and instructors have the best experience possible. We are looking for art instructors for ages 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 and teens. Programs run after school and/or during school holidays. We are open to one off classes and 4-6 week sessions that would happen once a week.